
Reviews for La Maison Khmère in Chicoutimi, QC

marylou paquet 1 year ago

(Translated by Google) We arrived at 5:15 p.m. and had to wait 1:30 to get our entry. Others who arrived after us were served... well before. We had to leave before we got served because we had a show at 8pm. When we mentioned this to the waitress insteadof apologizing, she said she was surprised and had never seen this in 4 years. In addition to the wait time, our entrees we hadwere cold and the shrimp raw. (Original) Nous sommes arrivés à 17h15 et il a fallu attendre 1h30 avant d'avoir notre entrée.D'autres qui étaient arrivé après nous ont été servis bien avant. Nous avons dû quitter avant d'avoir été servis, carnous avions un spectacle à 20h. Lorsque nous avons fait part de cela à la serveuse à la place de s'excuser, elle a dit queça la surprenait et qu'elle n'avait jamais vu cela en 4 ans. En plus du temps d'attente, nos plats que nous avons eu étaientfroids et les crevettes crues. Read more


(Translated by Google) Really very very good. Great service. Prices normal. I recommand it. Me and my nius friends are going... back. Congratulations again on your menus. (Original) Vraiment très très bon. Service excellent. Prix dans la normalité. Jele recommande. Moi et mes amies nius allons revenir. Encore félicitations pour vos menus. Read more

Cynthia Tremblay 1 year ago

(Translated by Google) I have loved this restaurant for a very long time. I go there minimum 2x a year or since covid I order... for take away.... every time I go there each time I am disappointed... But tonight among other things I was particularlydisappointed .... The imperial rolls were ordinary it's no way homemade like before.... the vegetables in my dish very coarselycut thai prawns not to mention the big chunks of mushrooms.... entk honestly I'm disappointed. ... (Original) J'adore cerestaurant depuis très très longtemps. J'y vais minimum 2x par année ou depuis la covid je commande pour emporté.... àchaque fois que j'y vais à chaque fois j'ai une déception... Mais ce soir entre autre j'ai été particulièrement déçu....Les rouleaux impériaux était ordinaire ce n'est aucunement fait maison comme avant.... les légumes dans mon plats decrevettes thaïlandaise coupé très grossièrement sans parler des gros morceaux de champignons.... entk honnêtement je suisdéçu.... Read more

Noémie 1 year ago

(Translated by Google) I went to this restaurant for my birthday recently and unfortunately I had a painful evening because of... the waitress? This is the first time I have been served by such an unpleasant and ill-intentioned person. She made mistakes(like bringing us coleslaw instead of vegetable salad in our entree) and couldn't discuss it with her without her getting mad atus or running away before we had the time to explain to her? She didn't even come to see us once to ask if everything was ok! Itwas a 5 course, so she could have come once at least right? Anyway, I felt bad all supper because she seemed mad at us. Then,the food is ok, the main dishes are good, but it seems a bit cheap sometimes for a $50 meal? I barely had two bites of beef onmy plate and it was super dry. The beef at Thaï express is really more qualitative honestly. Also, my spouse's scallops werereally overcooked. Finally, the soup tasted like chicken rice soup, we were expecting an Asian soup (we took the Cambodiaescape), so that was a bit disappointing too. It's sad, because we were waiting for a special event to go there, my spouse andI. This will be the first and last time ???? Edit: I have just read the other reviews of this restaurant and the owner'sresponses surprise me greatly given the lack of professionalism, respect and failure to take feedback as constructive. I takeoff a star... (Original) Je suis allée à ce restaurant pour mon anniversaire dernièrement et j?ai, malheureusement, vécuune soirée pénible en raison de la serveuse? C?est la première fois que je me fais servir par une personne aussidésagréable et mal intentionnée. Elle faisait des erreurs (comme le fait de nous apporter une salade de chou au lieu d?unesalade de légumes dans notre entrée) et impossible d?en discuter avec elle sans qu?elle se fâche après nous ou se sauveavant qu?on ait eu le temps de lui expliquer? Elle n?est même pas venue nous voir une seule fois pour nous demander si toutétait ok! C?é Read more

Wen Qi 4 years ago

Great south-asian supper. Their fried rice is very tasty without being oily, the rolls were crisp and the brochettes were... grilled to perfection. The portions arr generous. On top of that, the service was excellent- even if the server was workingalone and it was clearly understaffed. On the "improvement" side, the price for single dishes is expensive (28-30$); I wouldrecommend going for their "table d'hote" which includes 2 appetizers, 1 main dish and 1 desert. Also, I was expecting the "brownsauce" in their main dish to taste more complexe, although it is still a great Asian-style restaurant. Read more

Adam Tremblay 5 years ago

A terribly sad lunch. For soups anyway. Noodles arrived still hard and cold, broth wasn't fuming... a little coriander and tons... of sprouts. Pork was not cut for soup, it was chops marinated in something purple, hard cooked side to side and unchewable. Forbeing a long time authentic Asian place affectionado and having lived over there, this ain't even authentic for American Asianfood. Not to say it was ridiculously overpriced too. Sorry folks you will have to work on your stuff, especially if you havebeen at it for so many years. Read more

Ayalla Weiss Tremblay 5 years ago

Overpriced, really bad quality food. We entered for a quick lunch and ordered soups: Thai coconut curry and tonkinoise. The... soups arrived lukewarm. Tonkinoise broth was pretty much water, noodles overcooked, dry, dry, dry pork. Thai soup with mushyangel hair type vermicelli, way too much curry, bone dry chicken pieces. We barely touched our plates but had to pay for themnonetheless. Place boasts authentic cuisine but couldnt be far from it. Do not waste your money Read more

Dan Mcw 6 years ago

Excellent food. Good service. Good prices.